5 Fundamental Errors Landscapers Must Avoid When Trying To Scale Their Business

There are lots of ambitious landscapers who want to grow their landscaping businesses. Whether that is just within their local area, or they wish to grow beyond their current location, their ambition is to be applauded. However, an issue that often arises is, that when they try to expand their business, landscapers can make one or more fundamental errors that compromise that expansion.

We say that not to put off landscapers from trying to grow their business, but, instead, that when they do, they ensure they do not make the same mistakes as others have. To that end, we have outlined five of the most common mistakes that landscapers can make when trying to scale their landscaping business.

Scaling Mistake #1 – Not Fixing Crucial Issues That Currently Exist Within Their Business

This first mistake happens frequently, and not only can it prevent a business from scaling, but it can also compromise its current performance which sets it backwards. We are not saying that your business must be 100% with no problems whatsoever, but unless you tackle some of the current issues which exist when your business does grow, those problems could grow too and become magnified to the extent they are even more difficult to resolve, if not impossible.

How To Transfer The Premises Lease If You Sell Your Business

There may come a time when you require your commercial lawyers from robertsonhayles.com.au to assist you in the process and legalities of selling your business. As you might expect, selling a business is not something that should be done without due process and due diligence, and given that the transaction may involve huge dollar amounts, it requires each element of the sale to be properly thought through and enacted.

One of the matters which will require particular attention if your business operates out of leased premises such as a retail store, an office, or a manufacturing facility, is the process of transferring the lease for those premises to the new owner of your business. This will depend upon whether the new owner wishes to keep the business in its present location and thus its current premises or chooses to move the business to a new location and new premises.

If they wish the business to remain where it is then there needs to be action taken so that they can become the new tenants of those premises. This can be achieved in one of two ways. The most common way is for you to assign the lease for the premises to the new owner. The second way is for you to end your lease by surrendering it, and for the new business owners to concurrently negotiate and agree to a new lease with the commercial landlord.

5 Tips For Selecting The Correct Commercial Storage For Your Business

There are several reasons why your business might require commercial storage. It could be you have ordered excess stock for a promotion, but your warehouse is currently full. Another reason could be to store office equipment and furniture that you are not taking with you to your new office. Or you may wish your office removalists at Storage Melbourne to move everything in stages and are thus storing some items temporarily as part of that process.

Whether for these or any other reason, you will want to ensure that the commercial stage facility you choose is the right one for your needs. If you have never used commercial storage before you might be wondering how best to achieve that aim. If you read on, we highlight five tips that should enable you to make the correct choice of a commercial storage company.

Assess How Much Commercial Storage Capacity You Need

The first suggestion we make in trying to determine which commercial storage facility is the right one for your needs is to work out what those needs are in terms of how much storage space you require. This will mean you have to assess what items you are going to store, the quantity, and most importantly an estimate and calculation of the amount of space needed. Err on the side of overestimating as this is preferable to underestimating and then not having sufficient storage space.

Good News For Companies Regarding Electronic Signatures

Recent times have probably been the strangest that any of us have experienced due to Covid-19, and many aspects of our lives have had to adapt. That includes our laws, and we are pleased to say that our legislators have taken some positive steps for Perth commercial lawyers in some aspects of consumer law.

One area in particular which has recently seen commercial law take account of not just the pandemic, but also modern technology, is electronic signatures by companies, and in particular its directors. Electronic signatures are created by an individual signing their name in a way that does not involve them putting pen to paper and signing in ink.

Signing Company Documents

Until recently the signing of documents was covered by section 127 of the 2001 Corporations Act. This act stated that company documents had to be signed by either:

30 Office Cleaning Tasks And How Often They Should Be Done

One of the core principles of effective commercial cleaning by Gleam Clean is that different cleaning tasks should be done on a specific schedule. In other words, whilst there are some cleaning that needs to take place every day, and sometimes more than once a day, there are also other tasks that should be done on a weekly, or monthly basis.

Knowing this information as it relates to your office means you are more able to discuss with the commercial cleaners you have hired, what your needs are, so, without further ado, here are thirty office cleaning tasks and their recommended scheduling divided into monthly, weekly, and daily tasks.

Monthly Cleaning Tasks x 10

  • Check and replace damaged or worn carpet tiles and rugs
  • Shred and discard unneeded documents
  • Rearrange furniture to even carpet wear
  • Declutter by removing office items that are unused or unwanted
  • Check all light bulbs and replace them as necessary
  • Wax and polish all floors
  • Vacuum office furniture and heating/ventilation/air conditioning vents
  • Replace textile materials such as cushion covers and curtains
  • Clean, dust and disinfect difficult to reach areas including windows, cabinets, and ceilings
  • Deep clean carpets using a steam cleaner

How to Create an Evacuation Diagram

For your business to meet its obligations under the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984, you need to have an evacuation diagram and procedures. While fire protection services can assist with making sure you do it properly, there is also plenty of information on the internet to show you how straightforward it can be. We’ve also included some basic information below to put you one step closer to compliance.

What Your Evacuation Diagram Needs To Have

Evacuation diagrams don’t have to be masterpieces. They don’t even have to be expertly drawn. What they do need to be, though, is accurate.

They should include the basic layout of your property, with lines to form accurate walls and doors. Mark with a red dot the area the person is in if they are staring at the diagram. From that point, they can work out how to access other parts of the building in an emergency.

A basic compass should be present in the diagram’s corner, which identifies which way is north. You will also need to include exterior exit points, which should be accessible and clear at all times.

How To Prepare For A Commercial Carpet Cleaning Company

If the time has come for the carpets or couches in your offices or other areas of your business premises, to be cleaned then we hope that you have taken the sensible decision to employ professional commercial carpet cleaners or couch cleaning perth. The difference between using them and either doing it with in-house staff or cheap amateurs is stark.

First, your carpets will be cleaned as they should be, they will be at no risk of damage, and the fact that they will be cleaned correctly means that the time until the next time you have to have them cleaned, should be prolonged. If you already know all this and have indeed arranged for professional carpet cleaners to do the work, then great. Now we need to talk about the part you play in the carpet cleaning process.

You may be surprised by that last statement, given that the whole idea of paying for a team of professional carpet cleaners should mean that you avoid having to do the carpet cleaning yourself. That is true, however, before they arrive there are some tasks which you need to undertake to make their job easier and to ensure that they can clean your carpet without any risks or delays.

What we mean is that there is some minimal preparation work that you or your staff should undertake before the appointment you have with the carpet cleaning company. It should make the work go more smoothly, and it also eliminates any risks of something going wrong. Examples of this could be one of the cleaning staff being injured. Whilst extremely rare, it still pays to take precautions and prepare properly.

6 Actions Which Commercial Law Deems Anti-Competitive

We face competition in all walks of life. Whether it is competing with someone for a promotion, challenging the other team on the sports field or even having a love rival as you try to convince someone to go out with you, there are going to be winners and losers. The same exists in the world of business, and whilst the likes of sports competitions have rules applied by referees, in the business world it is the rules set within commercial law which apply.

One of the main reasons that commercial law has its guidelines, its rules, and ultimately its legislation, is to try to ensure that every business, whether it be a sole trader, or a large corporation has as much chance of succeeding as any other. Further, commercial lawyers seek to prevent those with ill-intentions from what is effectively cheating.

One area where this is especially true is competition law and specifically anti-competitive actions. These are actions where a business owner or those within a business act in a way that prevents other businesses from having as equal an opportunity to succeed within a marketplace as they have. The main piece of legislation anti-competitive law that can be found in is the 2010 Competition and Consumer Act.

The 2010 Act contains the legal structure for eliminating anti-competitive behaviour, and also the punishments for those who try to carry them out. Within this legal framework, 6 anti-competitive actions are highlighted as being those which are believed to cause reductions, or worse, barriers to market competition.

Heads Of Agreement – What It Is And Its Legal Implications

The term ‘Heads of Agreement’ might conjure up some interesting images with some people thinking of a scene from a Coppola or Scorsese movie with the heads of two mafia families sitting down to agree on a deal. In truth, the reality is a lot less dramatic and no doubt some will be disappointed to discover that a Heads of Agreement (HOA) is simply a legal document, however,  it can certainly be an important legal document in commercial law.

An HOA is somewhat of a halfway house agreement, so it can have far more legal significance than a simple shake of hands or a verbal agreement between two parties. However, it does not have the same level of legal weight as a formal contract. As such it may set out some of the preliminary agreements that have been reached and some of the key terms and conditions but falls short of being the formal contract.

When A Heads Of Agreement Should Be Used

Heads of Agreements can be used in several scenarios relating to commercial, civil, or family law. Its main use in commercial law is when two parties are working towards setting up a commercial partnership. It primarily sets out the expectations and the goals that both parties have for the partnership.

Why You Should Start A Blog For Your Removalists Business

No matter what type of website your removalists business has, you should be aware that one of the internet’s most popular type of websites is blogs. These have become hugely popular, not just for those who visit them and consume the content which they find on their favourite blogs, but also for those who have created those blogs.

The latter group covers a wide spectrum with blogs created by everyone from retired individuals sharing their life stories, to multi-billion dollar corporations whose blogs are read by tens of thousands of visitors. Admittedly those two examples are at either end of the spectrum, but what that should indicate is that no matter how large or how small your removalist business is, it can still benefit by having a blog.

The first point about blogs that we need to make you aware of is that they are very easy to set up. In most cases you do not need to register a new domain or create a new website, especially if your current website was created on a platform such as WordPress, Wax or Squarespace, for example. These are just three of the many website platforms where it is possible to add a blog. If are unsure which of these applies then speak to the agency who designed your website.

Normally the next question we hear from business owners is what content they should be adding to a blog. They often do so with absolutely no idea what options they have, which is ironic, because the options are almost unlimited. In truth there really are no exclusions or limits on what you add to blog provided 1) It has relevance to your business, and 2) It is respectful. In other words no adult humour, bad language or anything that could be considered offensive.