Because mobile devices have smaller screens and less processing power, a site designed for desktops is bound to take ages to load. Considering that most visitors don’t have the patience to endure prolonged loading times and there’s plenty other similar websites out there, having a non-friendly mobile site presents the risk of losing new customers to your competitors.
The good news is that creating a mobile-friendly version for your website is quite an easy and straightforward process. Following are some tips that can help you make your site more accessible to visitors browsing via their smartphones or tablets.
Plan the layout carefully
By far the best solution for a mobile version of your site is to choose a simple design that makes navigation seamless for your visitors. Don’t forget to add thumb friendly buttons and call to actions that automatically load your phone number when tapped.
Keep the landing pages simple
Although the advancements in the industry are impressive, mobile devices still lack the processing power of a desktop computer. Therefore, they’re unable to render more sophisticated designs, such as flash for instance. In general, it’s best to avoid using flash altogether and only integrate images in situations where they’re truly relevant. Otherwise, you’ll just increase the site’s loading time and risk losing numerous potential customers.